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Q: Who we are?

A: is an advertising platform. Many people are trying to increase their monthly income with doing a variety of online jobs, but without a proper marketing plan and good traffic that is almost impossible. In that business scenario we come, to help you in the development of your business and therefore your financial expansion!

Q: Is my personal information protected with your company?

A: Any personal information that you provide to any of our businesses are privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone!


Free Members/Users Questions!

Q: Can I earn as I Free Member?

A: Yes, you can click on other members advertising and earn daily. You can earn from your referral commission also!

Q: Do I get a referral commission for referring new members to FenixCash as a Free Member/User?

A:Yes! As a Free Member/User you are allowed to have up to 10 Direct Referrals directly under you, and to earn commission from all their activities, such as daily clicks or participating into one of the Special Bonus Reward Advertising Program.

Q: Am I allowed as a Free Member/User to rent referrals and earn commission from them? 

A:No. This is a privilege for only up-grade Members/Users!

Q: Do I have to click daily to earn from my Referral as a Free Member?

 A: Yes, in order to be qualify to receive a daily commission from your referrals you have to click at least 20 Ads daily!

Q: Can I advertise as a Free Member/User?

 A: Yes, of course you can. We are a advertising platform. You can choose which adverting modality will mostly meet your business plans and start!  

Q: If I purchase one of Special Bonus Reward Advertising Packages, will I participate in reward sharing as a Free Member/User?

 A: Yes, you will. Considering that those are regular ad pack offers, there is no reason for you not to take part in it!  


Upgrade Members/Users Questions!

Q: Do I get a referral commission for referring new members to FenixCash as a Upgrade Member/User?

A:Yes! As a Upgrade Member/User you are allowed to have more 10 Direct Referrals directly under you than Free Members, and to earn commission from all their activities, such as daily clicks or participating into one of the Special Bonus Reward Advertising Program. The number of allowed Direct Referrals depend on your upgrade package.

Q: Do I have to click daily to earn from my Referral as a Upgrade Member?

 A: Yes, as upgrade member you have also your part of daily clicks which you have to made, in order to help each other to gain more traffic and increase sales in personal promoting. As upgrade member you have less certain clicks to made daily than free members, depend on your upgrade level! 

Q: Am I allowed as a Upgrade Member/User to rent referrals and earn commission from them? 

A:Yes, you are. Depand on your upgrade package you can rent certain number of referrals!

All Members/Users Related Questions!

Q: What’s Minimum cash-out?

A: Minimum cash-out is $10.00 

Q: What’s is CPM ?

A: CPM is another way for you to earn, if you have a website or blog you can post ads from FenixCash on your site and we will pay you for every 1000 views all you have to do is copy the code from Ad Publisher section into your website!

 Q: What’s Special Reward Benefit Ad Packages?

A: Special Reward Benefit Ad Packages are mix of different advertising credits specially design for you to use in your advertisement strategy.  When you purchase this Special Ad Packages we will reward you with a place in our extra reward bonus program for being an advertiser and active clicker!

Q: How can I possibly earn with your special Advertising Reward program?

A: We have implemented this option to reward our members. We offer two different special ad packages which are design to give you full advertising campaign and traffic boost advantage. When people join our site and purchase this special ad packages, we transfer their payment into a separate Member Pools, depend on which ad package they have chosen. From that pool, as people keep on purchasing this special ad packages, we are able to share this reward among all other members for their trust in us, by giving them reward benefit for being our members. Our team always work on first come first basis!

Q: When can I expect to receive my Reward Benefit?

A: That depends on how much our members are advertising the site and bring new members. As in any business, personal success always depend mostly on each person determination to succeed. We cannot predict or give any time frame as valid statement regarding when you will receive your Reward Benefit, as this is just an additional option that we have designed to reward our members. If we have to guess, than we would say between 1 until 60 days and more, in order not to give any false promises!

Q: Am I allowed to buy more than one Special reward Ad Package in order to earn more money with participation in your Reward Benefit?

A: Yes you can, but not more than 10 at once. You can have only 100 active packages at the same time, as we have calculated that even for most demanding advertising campaign this will be enough for one month intensive advertising. We do not want , neither we will allowed people to look at this Reward option like toward MLM or some other fast earn program, or to take advantage from it, as is an advertising platform, and Reward Benefit is just an additional none promising option which we have implement for our member to possible get even greater benefit for deciding to advertise with us. We would like to notify you that we strongly advise you not to invest your grocery money by just aiming to get good returns in short time as you are buying Special Advertising Packages and Members Benefit is just an additional bonus that you are getting from us as a part of our service!

Q: How can I buy more Special reward Ad Packages?

A: From the member panel you can easily purchase more packages or service, depend on your specific needs. If you've got enough funds in your account, from previously received referral commissions, clicking commissions or from reward benefit already received , then you can buy more positions with that, otherwise you can add money via SolidTrustPay.

Q: What happens once I receive my Reward Benefit?

A: Depend on the Special Advertising package that you have chosen previously, you can select from your members panel to either be automatically re-entered into the line or to not re-enter. It's up to you and your advertising strategy and needs in future. Enjoy your advertising experience with us!

Q: Is it profitable for me to get upgrade membership and how to possibly build a long-term business plan earnings?

A: Frankly, all depends on the person, their financial possibilities and business vision. Upgrade membership is just one more additional way for you to increase your earnings faster. Upgrade Members earn more on each click they make, earn more commission from their Direct/Rented referrals daily clicks, are allowed to have more Direct Referrals, are allowed to Rent a Referrals and earn from their clicks also, have less certain clicks that they have to make in order to qualify for getting their referral daily commission... To build sustainable long-term business plan you need to think outside the box. Do not just sit and wait, but take full action in your daily business planing and growing. Use the opportunity that we are offering you and build great investment plan. You have many different advertising options. Start using them wisely. If you are not part of ClickBank, do not wait, go and join. You can choose some of their offer commercials projects that you like and advertise them on Fenix Cash. This way you can earn percentage from each sale which will go trough your advertising link. Don't stop their. You have Fiverr, E-bay, Create Space... There are many  big and serious companies which are offering good incomes to advertise them. Upgrade your membership, and every person who see your advertising somewhere will be able to be your referral here, as you will have more allowed Direct referrals to have. All this people can follow you from project to project in the future, wherever you'll go. This is just one small suggestion how you can build your long-term sustainable business growing plan.

Q: Is it Free to use Fenix Cash Advertising E-Book download area?

A: Yes. Our Advertising E-Book download area is a part of our service which we are providing for our paying/advertising members, to help them in acheving their business goals. When you purchase some of our advertising services/packages you are qualify and entitled to use it!

Q: What is the purchasing terms?

A: All payments are none refundable, as you are buying Advertising service and packages!

Please, for any other answers regarding and how we are working, before joining the site and make a decision which advertising model most fit with your demands, read our terms of service and privacy policy page, as you have to agree with all our terms if you want to become a privilege member and user of

Copyright © 2015 FenixCash All rights reserved



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